Project Process

A need arose for creating templates to begin introducing onboarding and "What's New" screens so we could effectively inform our users when updates or new features are released; or if they are brand new to the app. We wanted to make sure to create a distinct difference for iOS and Android users so the experience felt familiar to them by using UX and UI elements they are use to.

We also had to make sure to create templates that could be used for both big features or small updates. A few bug fixes and enhancements don't necessarily need the real estate of a full page along with an illustration. Small updates also don't need to interrupt the user from what they are doing.

Giving the user a dismissive action is very important as well so you don't end up cornering them and forcing an action when they may not be interested. "Maybe Later" is a great way to do just that.

These are the kinds of things I had to keep in mind when mapping out these templates so we would always have a go-to option no matter what update we wanted to push to our users.

Below is an example of the template in action to introduce a brand new feature that allowed users to apply for accounts directly from their phone. We wanted to make the process easy and not overwhelming to the user.